We are back… again

I mean, I never said I was going to be that great at this and given that I have a busy job and a generally busy life, it was always going to be a challenge keeping up with a blog at the same time. Maybe it was the desired frequency of posting or just that life didnt seem that interesting to talk about it but I certainly slacked off but you know, we move.

I think I will do a quick update of what is happening and then maybe for the more significant bits I will do individual posts, that should work.

So I am now in a middle management position at a Residential Children’s Care home. I love my job and the people and children that I work with are awesome most of the time. We have had a bit of a rough patch but that is to be expected sometimes when you are working with some incredibly complex children and that’s ok, it is all about how you recover from it and we are starting to come out of the other side. My colleagues are awesome and they just seem to get me and how I work.

I started American Football with the awesome Norwich Devils. They are absolutely incredible and I would highly recommend everyone to give it a go regardless of your fitness levels! They have supported me through everything and worked with me to make it so I can play this awesome game. I mean it is a change from Rugby but one that I have thoroughly enjoyed. I haven’t given up on Rugby but life just got a bit hectic and the way that American Football went with my life was just a little easier. Maybe next year will be the season I manage to crack out both sports, we shall see.

On a personal note something big did happen! Jordan and I got married! Twice! We had our small legal ceremony on 15th May 2023 and then a big wedding celebration with friends and family on 30th May 2023. They were both just the best days and we had the best time celebrating with everybody. We were humbled by the amount of people who took their time to come to our celebration and make it truly special for us. We are awaiting the photos and I can’t wait to post some of them for everyone to see.

So there is one more thing that I did that is maybe just a little bit silly. I applied for a charity place to run the London Marathon 2024 for Mind and by some miracle I got in! I guess this is one of the reasons I started blogging again. I need everyone’s help to get to the fundraising target and I think everyone will agree that it is an awesome charity. So I will be posting about my training as we go and I hope that everyone will give (generously) to help me get to what will be one of the biggest challenges that I have ever taken on!

2 thoughts on “We are back… again

  1. Funnily enough I was thinking about this blog the other day so it’s good to see that you’ve come back to it.

    What a year you’ve had, so many positive things. I am sure that you can run the London Marathon if you put your mind to it. I’ll be interested to read how your training goes.

  2. Good to have you back on the blogosphere (or whatever it is called). Sometimes life gets in the way but you have plenty to talk about and it’s always good to read. Looking forward to hearing more about the training for the Marathon – I think about doing one every now and again but have never mustered the level of commitment needed. Perhaps the real next step is another new sport. Maybe something like ice hockey – you seem to be going for increasing levels of direct collisions:)

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